Monday, 26 October 2020

Bad Childhood Habits as a Reason for Orthodontic Issues - Short, Informative Interview with Dr. Dobrila Kangova , General Dentist at Korona Dental

The normal and correct growth as well as development of facial and jaw structures including muscles and soft tissues begins since early age when the milk teeth erupt; however, each deviation would contribute to development of orthodontic issues.

Which are the most common causes of orthodontic irregularities?

Great percent of orthodontic problems are genetically inherited, in particular the skeletal ones related with the jaw and the bones. They develop due to irregular functions, bad habits and premature extraction of primary teeth or prevalence of dental trauma.

 What do we mean by bad oral habits in childhood?

 The presence of a bad oral habit throughout the stage when the child grows and develops may cause an orthodontic issue. Until what extent the issue will develop, depends on the frequency and repetition of the bad oral habit, intensity and timeframe related with the age of the child. Most common bad habits include prolonged finger, pacifier and objects sucking, lip-biting and tongue thrusting which pushes the teeth forward.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

The Impact of Oral Hygiene over Dental Health - short inteview with Dr. Tane Kasapov

 Dental hygiene is a concept including several measures and actions taken by each induvial to prevent diseases of hard and soft oral tissues. The essence of oral hygiene is about eliminating dental plaque and suppressing microorganisms. 
What is dental plaque?
 Dental plaque is a build up layer of bacteria that sticks to surface of the teeth. It is clinically defined as a resilient structure that adheres to the  intraoral hard tissues.
How to achieve an impeccable oral hygiene?
 Good oral hygiene is achieved with dental plaque removal through mechanical or chemical plaque control. Mechanical dental plaque removal is done by using a toothbrush, a toothpaste and interdental hygiene products such as tooth floss, interdental brush and Waterpik.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

Pregnancy and Oral Health

 This post will try to give some answers on dental health during pregnancy and how to take care of your teeth. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make your gums more vulnerable to plaque, leading to inflammation and bleeding. This is also called pregnancy gingivitis or gum disease caused by a build-up of plaque on the teeth.
The points below provide a simple guideline how to look after your teeth and gums which should turn into a general practice: 

- Clean your teeth carefully twice a day for 2 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste.
- Floss once a day to remove small bits of food from between your teeth, which will help to prevent the build-up of plaque.
- Brushing is best with a small-headed toothbrush with soft filaments.
- Avoid having sugary drinks and foods too often.
-  If you're hungry between meals, snack on foods such as vegetables, fresh fruit or plain yoghurt, and avoid sugary or acidic foods.