Thursday 17 December 2020

Most Common Questions Regarding Dental Implants


We have made a list of most common questions our patients ask regarding teeth implants and provide answers in a simple and understanding manner. In addition, we hope to clear up your doubts on this topic you might have had earlier. Let us begin:

1. Which is a better choice implants or bridges?

Dental implants and dental bridges address the same issue i.e they replace the missing teeth yet, in technical level they are two different options to consider. Once a tooth is missing, the neighboring area starts to deteriorate. When implants or dental bridge is inserted on time, this deterioration is stopped because the titanium post (implant) replaces the missing tooth deeper structure whereas the dental bridge is lacking the rootlike structure. 

High quality dental implants may last at least 10 years. Unlike dental bridges, implants are promoting gum and bone healing under the teeth. In addition, they cause less burden to other teeth as they are a single independent structure. Implants require oral surgery and the healing process may take a couple of months which is not the case with dental bridges. Pricewise, implants are more expensive than dental bridges and their predominant features are esthetics and duration on long run. Dental bridges, on the other hand are less expensive, the healing process is much shorter and there is no need for bone grafting. They are not a lifetime solution since the burden they impose on the adjacent teeth deteriorates over time as well as the bone quality underneath them. In general, dentists suggest mixed approach (hybrid prosthesis), yet this can only be determined after a thorough examination of the patients' overall dental health. 

2.  Do implants feel like real teeth?

Yes they do! After the post integrates with the bone, implants feel and function as natural teeth. Yet, the sensations such as heat, pressure or cold, feel only when the tooth is natural. Once the implant is bone integrated, the sensations you may feel will come from the gums.

3. Can tooth implant cause sinus problems?

There are rare instances when implants may impinge on the sinus cavity. There should be enough bone mass between the port (implant) and the sinus in order to avoid complications of this kind in the future. That is why, prior implant treatment, the dentist should make a 3D CBCT scan in order to determine the bone mass, its density, the sinus position and its condition. Even if the distance between the bone and the sinus is insufficient for implant placement, there is an alternative option - to perform a sinus lift bone graft surgery.

4. When to get tooth implant after extraction? 

Once the tooth got extracted, an immediate implant replacement can be performed, or after two to four months period when the wound heals.

5. Can tooth implant fall out?

It is a rare occurrence that an implant falls out after the osseointegration process and there are two types of factors: local and systemic. Local factors include:  bruxism, traumatic occlusion, smoking and insufficient oral hygiene whereas systemic include osteoporosis developed after the implants are placed, endocrinological diseases (uncontrolled diabetes) and cancer treatment therapy. In addition, our strong advice is that the implant should be taken care of as if it is a natural tooth. Regular and thorough hygiene is a must! We recommend that regular dental check up, in this case once in every 4 months is crucial in extending the lifetime of your natural teeth and your implants. 

6. Do implants require a special hygiene measures?

As mentioned earlier, implants should be treated as natural teeth i.e. brushed twice a day with a soft bristle toothbrush and flossed either by tooth floss, waterpik/waterfloss or interdental brushes. Again, do not avoid your regular dental visit and schedule your appointment today.

7.  What is the optimal number of implants placed on one edentulous jaw?

The optimal number of implants placed in one jaw depends on the final outcome we desire to achieve. For the upper jaw, in case of fixed construction overt implants, the optimal number is between 6 and 8 whereas for the lower 4 to 6 implants. If our final goal is combined construction, then the optimum would be 4 implant placements in the upper jaw, whereas for the lower 2 to 4 implants.  

8. When you should not get dental implants?

The main risk factors that prevent you from getting dental implants are: heavy smoking, bruxism, bad oral hygiene, certain medications like steroids, cardiovascular, endocrinological, hematologic, kidney pulmonary, hepatic, skeletal system and central nervous system diseases all depending on their stage, severity and treatment. In addition, patients suffering from cancer, should also inform their dentist about their history.

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